Sustainability Reports

Our sustainable choices are making a measurable impact

Explore QTS’s sustainability, environmental, social and governance reports and resources below. 


2023 Sustainability Report


Environmental, Social and Governance Reports

Our commitment to environmental sustainability, social accountability and corporate governance is rooted in our core values. We will continue to demonstrate this dedication through transparency and data-backed performance. 

GRESB Reports

Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Reports

GRESB validates, scores and benchmarks ESG performance data, providing business intelligence and engagement tools to investors and managers. In addition to our annual ESG Initiatives Report, this disclosure provides further data and context around the ESG and sustainability initiatives we are constantly improving.

2020 GRESB Benchmark Report

2019 GRESB Benchmark Report

Other Sustainability Reports

External Initiatives & Voluntary Disclosure Frameworks

QTS either elected or was included in the following reports:

2020 CDP Climate Change Survey

QTS elected to participate in this voluntary disclosure framework. The CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.

2019 SASB Index

QTS was included in this public data rating agency. The SASB Foundation’s mission is to establish and maintain industry-specific standards that assist companies in disclosing financial material and decision-useful sustainability information to investors.

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