ATLANTA, GA (August 25, 2020)
QTS Realty Trust (NYSE: QTS), a leading provider of hybrid colocation and mega scale data center solutions, today announced the deployment of Bandwidth Infrastructure Group (Bandwidth IG), a metro dark fiber network provider in QTS’ Atlanta Metro mega data center campus.
Bandwidth IG serves mission critical data centers, hyperscale customers and enterprises with high capacity dark fiber services. Bandwidth IG recently announced that it is deploying a metro dark fiber network in Atlanta intentionally placed to ensure minimal overlap with other networks. The high-density cables allow Bandwidth IG to deliver a diverse, low-latency, high-count fiber network at a competitive value.
Bandwidth IG’s greater Atlanta network has more than 40 newly built route miles and 75,000 fiber miles. The network reaches 16 data centers, representing nearly 400 megawatts of IT load. As part of this initiative, Bandwidth IG is deploying eight separate fiber rings that all interconnect in the QTS Atlanta Metro data center campus.
“We are pleased to establish our core presence in QTS, one of the most important data center operators in Atlanta” said Jim Nolte, Chief Executive Officer, Bandwidth IG. “Bandwidth IG’s metro dark fiber rings interconnected with QTS’ flexible connectivity ecosystem offers unlimited solutions for solving high capacity broadband needs with diversity, speed and scalability.”
The QTS connectivity ecosystem features diverse connectivity for cloud and hybrid colocation including carrier-neutral cloud interconnection, multiple fiber routes and IP providers. This includes the world’s largest IP networks, multiple dark and lit fiber providers, redundant transport paths and access to the world’s largest cloud providers.
“The introduction of Bandwidth IG’s high count, diverse fiber rings into our Atlanta Metro facility adds additional value to the dense ecosystem already in place and gives our customers yet another compelling connectivity option,” said Sean Baillie, Executive Vice President, Connectivity Strategy, QTS. “Bandwidth IG’s dark fiber rings all converge and interconnect at our Atlanta campus making QTS the epicenter of next generation fiber connectivity in Atlanta.”
In addition to the network development in Atlanta, Bandwidth IG is 90 days from completing a high-capacity ring in Santa Clara, California to connect another strategic QTS data center campus.
“QTS serves as host to many large technology companies in Silicon Valley who are looking for diverse network options and access to a variety of end points throughout the South Bay – which we can deliver,” said Nolte.
About Bandwidth IG
Bandwidth Infrastructure Group (Bandwidth IG) is a metro dark fiber provider that offers high capacity, strategic, dark fiber networks to mission critical data centers, hyperscalers and enterprises throughout Northern California and Greater Atlanta. Bandwidth IG’s 100% underground network meets critical data needs for enterprises and data centers who require quality, reliable connectivity options. Bandwidth IG’s Northern California network offers more than 50 route miles and 89,000 fiber miles, and the Greater Atlanta network has more than 40 route miles and 75,000 fiber miles. Bandwidth IG was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit www.BandwidthIG.com to learn more.
About QTS
QTS Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: QTS) is a leading provider of data center solutions across a diverse footprint spanning more than 7 million square feet of owned mega scale data center space within North America and Europe. Through its software-defined technology platform, QTS is able to deliver secure, compliant infrastructure solutions, robust connectivity and premium customer service to leading hyperscale technology companies, enterprises, and government entities. Visit QTS at www.qtsdatacenters.com, call toll-free 877.QTS.DATA or follow on Twitter @DataCenters_QTS.